Blind Reading


I 💕 giving blind readings and general messages! They can be the most fun and are definitely the most informative because your hopes, fears, and biases aren't leading the way like they can when a card pull is done to answer specific questions.


Thank you for choosing me to read for you today! 


This is a no questions general reading on the topic of your choice OR a completely blind/open message reading. Be sure to specify which of these two you want when you place your order.


This is a recorded reading.


Perfect for...

🧘‍♀️ Finding out about upcoming unexpected events and blessings

🧘‍♀️ Discovering possible blind spots in your life 

🧘‍♀️ Realigning yourself with the universe and your spirit guides

🧘‍♀️ Getting more insight on a specific situation

🧘‍♀️ Hearing what your guides want you to know right now 

✨🎁✨Also is a unique gift that someone else will really appreciate!


⚡⚡ENERGY CHECK: If you want a general instead of a blind reading and are asking about love, we'll do an energy check around your love life to see what you can expect to experience.


Hi! Tell me ...

1. Your name, pronouns, dating preference

2. Blind or general

3. Optional details like birthday, astrology placements, relationship status


$33 Venmo or Cash App

$35 Square

$37 PayPal


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$50 Venmo or Cash App

$53 Square

$55  PayPal


Deepest Dive

$75 Venmo or Cash App

$79 Square

$80  PayPal