"You have to be READY to receive this message or it just sounds like hooey."

4 Stars



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The music is heavy-handed. So I can do without that. As for the topic itself and the presentation by the speakers, including Rhonda Byrne, I feel it's amazing and useful and found it to be the perfect audio to start my mornings with. I listened to a chapter per day while having breakfast and getting dressed. HOWEVER...

You have to be READY to receive this message or it just sounds like hooey. I read and believed The Secret years ago and I definitely know the law of attraction is a real thing. I'm even a manifestation coach. But the first time I tried listening to this book, my brain wasn't having it. that was about a year or so ago. Lots has changed in my life since then, including getting older... This go 'round, I this text aligned for me because it's underlying message was/is the next step in my personal evolution.