Bust Your Money Blocks! PACKAGE


The title says it all!


I can help you bust your money blocks. I absolutely can!

  • Discover your money personality
  • Uncover embedded beliefs creating your current money circumstance
  • Release attachments to real or imagined patterns of lack - whether they're yours or someone else's
  • Adopt a new way of speaking to yourself and others about money


You'll fill in a quick questionnaire and I'll use it to put together a personalized package of insights and media for you that inlcudes...

  1. An explanation of your current money vibe

  2. New language to take you to your next level

  3. A tarot-based vision board

  4. A money and abundance meditation or activation to keep you in alignment

  5. An energy clearing audio to use when you feel the block trying to return


Venmo or Cash App







Personal Money Spell


Access the wealth available to you with a personalized money creed that I'll create just for you!


Whether you need money for a specific bill or purchase or you're ready to build long lasting wealth for a whole new lifestyle, I will give you the words to reveal your money to you.


Only order this if you're truly ready to change your financial situation.


Here's how it works:

1. Select between my various money for a need and wealth builder options.


2. Send me your preferred name and pronouns.


3. Tell me the financial problem or desire as you currently see it, writing as much detail as you like but AT LEAST 2 sentences.


4. I'll create your spell and say it over you to begin the change of your situation. You will feel an immediate shift in the energy around your money.


5. I'll send your spell to you as text in email and mp3 audio.


6. You must also speak these words over yourself for a minimum of 7 days in a row. If you miss a day, no worries! Just start over.


7. Once you've done a full 7-day cycle, let the energy and topic of money rest for 3 days. Completely leave it alone. After 3 days have passed, you can continue to say your spell daily if you'd like (first thing in the morning or right before bed are great times!) or just revisit it whenever you want to tune up your money vibe and access even more money. I personally like three times a day for my energy shifting spellwork: once when I first wake, once in the middle of my workday, and once in the evening. Do whatever works best for you.


We are combining my gifts and your personal magick to enable you to see and receive the money you deserve.


This is a practical magick spell. My gifts are from my mother's side of my family so passed down through the matriarchal line.


NOTE: Some of my spells rhyme, some do not. Wealth Builder can, but does not always, take some time to see results because with it we're affecting a lifestyle change for you and your current situation is shrouded in energies that need to be dissolved as new energies are coming in. The amount of time this takes will depend on your level of readiness and excitement for change. Excitement, not anxiety. Excitement is the positive feeling that things can get better for you. Anxiety is the fear that they won't. By law I am required to tell you that spellwork is for entertainment purposes only. 

Wealth Builder $222

Money for a Need $110.11

New Job / Promotion $222

Financial Protection $110.11

Venmo or Cash App

Wealth Builder $229

Money for a Need $114

New Job / Promotion $229

Financial Protection $114


Wealth Builder $234

Money for a Need $117

New Job / Promotion $234

Financial Protection $117
